We stayed at a small cottage on a beach in Corsica. During our visit to Corsica Italy and the stars were sparkling like crazy. On the very first night so I decided to do a little spontaneous shooting right on our beach.
Story: It was quite hazy you could clearly see the Milky Way. Because of the lack of light pollution at some parts of the Corsican west coast (the next coastline is Africa).
I really love clouds simply being dark on a nightscape in Corsica Italy. Catching no light from the light pollution (like you can see on the left side a little bit above the horizon). Which has become a really scarce phenomenon in Middle and South Europe these days.
However, if I had known that the first nightscape shooting was the last possible that week. I probably would have put my back more into that shooting, though I was really bone-tired from our travel to Corsican Island.
Due to the limitation regarding the exposure time if you are working with 35mm without a tracker (I´ve been too lazy to bring my tracker to the beach and was in a hurry as the Milky Way was already setting). Additionally, I took an exposure series for the foreground due to the torch of the person.

Gear & Custom Settings
Canon 1DX Mark II, Canon 16-35mm f2.8 @35mm
10X 10s, f2.8, ISO 12.800 (I didn’t use a tracker this time)
Foreground Exposure series:
60s -> 30s -> 15s-> 5s, f2.8, Iso 6400
Stacked the pictures for the stars in Starry Landscape Stacker and blended the exposure series in PS.
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