New Lockdown Update, Restrictions Ease in Some Areas

Coronavirus Lockdown

The Indian government on Friday announced the Covid Lockdown Extends from 4th May by two more weeks till May 17th. Depending on whether the area is under the green, orange or red zone, this restriction would vary.

The central government also clarified that those areas which have been identified as coronavirus positive (red zone) restrictions will not ease till further notice.

Likewise, the ministry has also issued some lockdown update guidelines based on the Red, Green, and Orange zones.

Here’s a list of what will remain operational and what will be closed depending on which zone you are in:

List of areas that will remain CLOSED

All domestic and international Airlines will remain closed till further notice. Unless it is a medical emergency.

Train travel also remains shut unless it’s for an essential purpose or permitted by MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs).

Interstate Bus travel, unless or as permitted by MHA.

Metro rail services.

Interstate travel, unless it’s for the medical emergency permitted by MHA.

School, colleges, training institutes, coaching, and other institutions will remain closed. Online teaching will allow.

Cinema halls, malls, bars, restaurants, parks, pools, and other similar places will remain closed.
Political, cultural, religious spots and gatherings will remain suspended.

Activities will not allow in the red zone

No cycling and auto rickshaws.
Taxies and app cab.
Spas and salons.

Activities will not allow in the orange zone

Intra- and inter-district travel.

List of areas that will remain OPEN

According to MHA, all activities will allow in less coronavirus positive Green Zone. But there have to be some guidelines to follow.

In the green zone, local buses will allow with 50 percent capacity.

The liquor store also remains open.

Activities allowed in Red zone

Essential Goods vehicle, individual movements as per permission by the authority. In a four-wheeler, two people will be allowed and one person on a two-wheeler.

In construction activities, no workers may be brought from outside. It permits all construction activities in rural areas.

Online e-commerce orders for essential goods will allow.

The private offices can operate with up to 33 percent. The rest of the staff should work from home.

All government offices can function at the level of Deputy Secretary and above with 33 percent strength.

However, health, defense, police, emergency services, customs, NIC, NYK departments will remain functional because of coronavirus.

The above activities will allow in the orange zone too. The additional activities will allow as followed.

Activities allowed in Orange Zone

Taxis and app cab with one driver and two passengers.

As per the government, Inter-district activities will allow, two passengers and one driver with reasonable reason.