After World War II, Ed and Lorraine Warren, a US couple who researched on spirit and they wrote some books with this subject. The horror series of ‘Conjuring’ is inspired by their research-based books. There is five films in this series have been created. : The Nun” was released worldwide on 7th September.
‘Conjuring’ and ‘Annabel’ are two movie of ‘The Conjuring’ series, based on the true story. There was not much added beyond the researched of Ed and Lorraine Warren. The ‘Annabel’ doll is still in Warren’s Auckland museum. The films are made up of the information of these researchers, but many things have been added to the imagination. That’s why film critics critically discouraged the film as true stories. But after the release of ‘The Nun’, the question arises, is the film based on the true story?

‘Valak’, introduced to this evil power, ‘Laser Key of Solomon’ compiled in the seventeenth century. The character of this film was originally drawn from ‘Conjuring II’. The character is so popular that director Corin Hardy made an original picture titled ‘The Nun’. Although the film was not built on true story, many people believe that ‘Valak’ (The Nun) is true.

According to a demonology book published in the seventeenth century, Valak
is one of the 72 demons. She is the 62nd powerful demon.

Before the release of ‘The Nan’, the film’s executives said that “The Nun” was the most horrific picture of the ‘Conjuring’ series, and that is true. The film ‘conjuring’ series, earning $ 54 million worldwide on the opening day. It’s a huge collection of the ‘Conjuring’ series.
Source: Internet
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