lovatnet lake in Senja Island Norway

lovatnet lake Senja Island Norway
Photography by: Adrien Mauduit

I drove to lovatnet lake on Senja Island Norway to try and get the pristine reflection of both subjects in the still water. Around 1 am the aurora got brighter and advanced southwards towards the Milky Way, until it somehow completely engulfed it.

Senja Island Norway
Photography by: Adrien Mauduit

Story: In the ‘aurora and milky way’ series, this one turned out to be a showdown between the Milky Way and the aurora. The latter had been quite all night with a local K number of 1-2 and was way to the north. I just wanted to see just how much detail in our home galaxy one could pull out when that happens, considering that the light from the northern lights is much brighter.

Gear & Custom Settings:

  • Canon 6Da + Sigma 14mm f1.8
  • Single, ISO 6400, 20”, f2.8, tracked with Vixen Polarie


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